Tackling ageism in marketing and advertising takes center stage in the latest CMAConnect podcast
Our very own Marc Cooper, CM and Anne Marie Wright unpack the untapped potential of the longevity economy and confront discriminatory practices.
The strategic partnership of YouAreUNLTD, Junction59 and Candela, leaders in aging and longevity strategy development, marketing communication and social purpose, have come together to help leaders and businesses identify and harness the potential of aging and the new longevity economy.
“Non-Profit and
Charitable Industry Experts”
“Creative Idea Experts”
“Aging Target and Longevity Market Experts”
Unsure about the Longevity Economy and the needs of the new aging consumer?
Do you have a strategy to prepare for the new world of aging?
Need help planning a course of action to unlock your opportunities?
3rd State provides full-service creative and communication expertise for the new aging consumer
Looking to optimize and improve your existing plan?
Our very own Marc Cooper, CM and Anne Marie Wright unpack the untapped potential of the longevity economy and confront discriminatory practices.
In the world of marketing and advertising, professionals are standing at a critical juncture where they have the power to forge real change against ageism, an issue deeply embedded within the industry.
In a bold move to tackle age-related discrimination, 3rd State, launched the Ageless Universe movement. The trailblazing initiative is designed to inspire action, deepen commitment, and foster a more equitable society.
Canada ranks as the sixth-largest investor in longevity advancements globally, but our longevity sector remains a well-kept secret. Which prompts the question: Are we taking the aging revolution seriously enough to compete in it, let alone lead it?
A discussion with global experts and industry thought-leaders on the role Canada could play in the emerging Longevity Economy, and how we can leverage our successes in AgeTech to drive economic growth.
An expert panel dives into a discussion on combating ageism and myths about older adults as ageist beliefs have real consequences for the current and future generations of older adults.
People over age 50 are responsible for more than half of the consumer spending in the United States. Yet to many businesses, people over 50 might as well be invisible.